Results & Testimonials

See some of our incredible transformations



Coached by Rob


I originally came onboard with Paget fitness for a really specific goal, to successfully summit Kilimanjaro, but I left with so much more than just completing my goal. I lead an incredibly busy life, living in London, working hard and sometimes long hours and so thinking about how I should train for Kilimanjaro was one too many things on the list. I had a lot of my friends had previously had great experiences with Paget Fitness and I knew I wasn’t giving myself the thought, knowledge or time my plan would need to successfully accomplish my goal. I approached Lauren and Rob to see if they could help because I knew this wasn't your usual goal! From start to finish they have both been wonderful, they'd offered my support and advice before I even decided to come on board to help with the climb! 

Originally, we had planned to come onboard for the three months leading up to the climb however, my journey wasn't the smoothest of rides. I unfortunately caught covid which turned into pneumonia so the first 4 weeks of my plan was little to no exercise and 5 days on bed rest. I found myself getting quite stressed about not being able to exercise (or breathe, haha) because surely that meant my Kilimanjaro dream was over, but Lauren and Rob were great, focusing on what we could control - my nutrition. We took this extra time to refocus my nutrition and look at what I was doing to help my body recover. They checked in on me to see how I was getting on and taking on all of the advice from my doctor. Poor Rob, not only wrote me one full plan but then had to go back to basics to build me up from a 10 minute at home workout. 

Once we were back in the gym this is where we really got into the flow! My workouts were really tailored around me, they listened to what I did and didn't like and really challenged me. As a frequent gym go'er before my plan I wasn't sure how much benefit I would get from the programme but I was hugely wrong. Not only did having my plan there to follow gave me the structure and discipline I needed but it gave me the confidence to try new exercises and machines, push myself so much harder than I would alone and my feedback video's really pushed me to get up to weights that I haven't for years.

Each week I enjoyed getting my feedback video and seeing what I'd be working for the next week and I saw so much progression in such a short space of time - I really felt strong, which after with my health was huge. I cannot fault the communication and flexibility of Lauren and Rob, I would frequently message them with an issue or a change in schedule and they would always do everything they could to help. For example, I had to work away which mean I needed to change a home workout for a home workout and Rob did so with no fuss, which is a god send for keeping myself accountable to my workouts!

When I first joined Paget Fitness I was only every really considering my training plan, not once did I consider my nutrition and macros, and the nutrition side of my plan has to be one of my biggest take aways from the whole process! I have always considered myself fit, healthy and my weight balanced but what I really learnt was that I massively under ate without even knowing!  Learning about Marco’s blew my mind, before Paget Fitness, there could be days where I would be having barely any protein at all! Now, even when I'm not tracking I'm so conscious of how much food and in particular protein I'm getting because there is no way my mind and body can turn up and perform if I'm not fulling it correctly. 

I couldn't recommend Paget Fitness enough! They're knowledgeable, personal and passionate about what they can help you achieve. I had no idea that I would achieve the results I would aesthetically, and this was still working within my busy and social life. I am so thankful that I was able to come onboard with Lauren and Rob, because there is absolutely no way I would have completed Kilimanjaro without their help and support. I don’t think this is the end of my relationship with Paget Fitness!

Coached by Lauren


Working with Lauren has been, without sounding cliché, life changing!! My whole life I have yo-yo dieted, never gotten far and just always felt as if I would never do it. When I got engaged back in 2017 I thought, this is it, I need to get in shape otherwise I will forever be upset with myself for not feeling my best on my wedding day. Fast forward to March 2021 and the wedding was 5 months away and my dress fitting only 3 months away.. and I was still over weight and unhappy! I asked a friend out of interest who she’s coached by as she looked insane and she told me about Lauren.

So straight into Laurens DMs I went!! From the 1st call I knew we would get along perfectly especially as Lauren had been on this journey herself. And with only 12 weeks to go, we had to get on with it!! 12 weeks later, 7kg down and my dress has to be taken in quite a lot! But my god I feel SO much more confident in that dress! I also feel incredible in normal clothes, I’ve dropped a whole dress size and I’m so chuffed every time I’m in the shops and have to get mediums and size 12s as opposed to 14/16s.

I couldn’t have done this without Lauren. The support and knowledge she has given over these past few months has been invaluable. If ever I found it hard, Lauren found another way we could work through it and also showed me how to tackle things like social events or big cravings. Towards the end of the programme, it almost felt like second nature. There was no starving myself and no crazy cardio workout plan, this programme gave me a sustainable approach and with consistency WORKED!

I never used to have patience so would quit if the scale didn’t move enough within 2 weeks, but this programme showed me how wrong I always approached weight loss previously. Although I’ve now finished the programme, I still eat healthily and go to the gym regularly, because Laurens programme has incorporated these into my life in a way I genuinely enjoy and I cannot see myself going back to the person I was with a diet consisting of mainly crisps/chocolate/pizza and being lazy. With all that being said, I would 100000% recommend to work with Lauren, put your all into the programme and it will change your life for the better!